Single Tree

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Inserts a single tree (or bush) into the .tree file for the world. Specify the tree filenames, and it will pick a random tree based on the frequency parameter.



X: How much the tree should be offset (in meters) in west-east direction.

Z: How much the tree should be offset (in meters) in north-south direction.

This option is available in version 1.310 and above.


Place in rand radius

The radius of the circle where the trees will be randomly placed.



How many trees that will be added to the terrain. If min and max have different values, the number of inserted trees will be a random value within that range.


Yaw Range

How many degrees the point object should randomly be rotated (around its own axis). 180 means full 360 degrees random rotation. 15 would mean +/- 15 degrees random rotation. 0 would turn the random rotation off and the object will get orientated in the point's direction.

This option is only available in version 1.309 and higher.


File Name (local option for each 3DS file)

List of file names for the trees that can be used for this point object. Each tree that is added to the terrain for this point object is chosen randomly from this list.


Freq (local option for each 3DS file)

The relative weight this tree should have in the random selection process (compared to the other trees in the list). Higher number = selected more often.

Catching Features v 1.3 OCAD Converter Reference
Jari W. 2007-05-06