Group Leaders (a.k.a. Train "Locomotives") as of 6/29/2020

(These change slowly over time. The colors are arbitrary - for my overpass animations - bless you Wedge and Biggs!)
red leader: starlink-81 (Starlink launch 0, 38 sats, ~90s spacing)
purple leader: starlink-1320 (Starlink launch 6, 43 sats, 25s spacing)
teal leader: starlink-1399 (Starlink launch 7, 60 sats, 15s spacing)
brown leader: starlink-1516 (Starlink launch 8, 17 sats, ~5s spacing)
brown leader 2: starlink-1496 (Starlink launch 8, 40 sats, ~5s spacing)

Pass Predicts for Moncton, N.B.

red leader
purple leader
teal leader
brown leader
brown leader 2
Look for a predicted Brightness/Magnitude less than 4 (less than 3 is better), and look for highest point altitudes that are higher than your local horizon. The brightness estimates can be off significantly. Sometimes a bright prediction won't be visible at all due to viewing geometry.

After finding a suitable leader pass, use this link to find timing and sky charts for all members of that group on the desired date (use pulldown to select different starlink groups):

Starlink passes for all objects from a launch

But this step is unnecessary. Just go out at the predicted leader time and the other sats in the train will follow roughly the same path across the sky. You'll be looking for a line of faint, moving stars all in a row.