Catching Features

Orienteering Today Catching Features World Series 2006

Race 1


Middle Distance Final from WOC03
Jan 22-23, 2006

In general the woods are very open and runnable, though steep in places.

The course starts and finishes on a marked chute, which you must follow. No shortcutting!

There is also an intermediate control with a marked route that you must follow. The marked route doesn't show up on the map since CF doesn't support drawing them, but it will be obvious when you get there in the terrain. Just follow the chute.

The CF map is pretty big (comparable to virendra day 1), so you might want to set your video options a bit lower than normal if you have a slower computer. I would adjust it so virendra plays fast enough for you and you should be fine.

Good luck!

Pine forest with rocks.
Cliffs and knolls.

More cliffs.

Marked routes at the start, finish, and an intermediate control through the village. You must follow the chutes!

Fields and forest.
